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5th Grade

Welcome to Baltimore International Academy's Fifth Grade Section...

BIA creates a culture of high expectations for our students’ education. We strive to develop our students’ academic and character growth.


Our students continue their journey learning in their target language. Whether they learn in French, Spanish, Russian or Chinese, they continue to receive instruction in the Maryland State and Baltimore City Schools curriculum standards.


Who We Are


We are also proud to be approved as an International Baccalaureate World school. We have embraced its philosophy to develop international-minded young people through implementing the IB's Primary Years Program (PYP). The PYP uses using student-centered learning approach that encourages critical thinking skills, collaboration, and global awareness. The learning that began in Kindergarten continues in our First Grade classes. 


Our fifth graders are in their final year as elementary students at BIA. They have become skilled in their target language and more experienced with student-centered learning and preparing for the academic responsibilities of Middle School. This year, BIA has been authorized for the International Baccalaureate's Middle Years Programme (MYP) of instruction.


We are committed to working with our parents to achieve our students’ success. We will always keep you informed of what we are learning in the classroom.


 This website is designed as a part of our information process.




Education Target Sheets

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